I was craving for yam angku, and found this recipe But unfortunately i didn't have angku mould, and i substituted yam with sweet potato, since i didnt find any here.
150 gm. mung beans- soaked overnight, drained and steamed until soft
2 Tbsp. Oil
150 gm. sugar
120 gm. Yam ( i substituted sweet potato) - steamed and mashed

250 gm. Glutinous rice flour
120 ml. thick coconut milk
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp. oil
120 gm. Yam (sweet potato) - steamed and mashed
a few drops of green colouring
Banana leaves - cut into rounds ( i used kitchen foil)
(1) For filling, put mung bean and oil into a blender and blend until fine while it is still hot. Add in remaining ingredients and mix well. Cool and divide into small round balls.
(2) For Skin, mix all the ingredients into a soft dough. If dough is too dry, add in some warm water and mix till a dough is formed. Divide into small portions.
(3) Flatten the dough, wrap in filling and press into angku mould.
(4) Knock to release the angku and place onto greased banana leaves and steam for 8 mins. till cooked.
(5) Remove and brush with some oil while it is still hot.

wahhh..diam2 aisha, kluar 1 kue..cantik color ijau tuu...come, we exchange..i give u d cuppies! hehhe..
ReplyDeletekekekek cucian ga ada cetakan angku :P:P
ReplyDeletemo gw pinjemin ga?
Hi isha, you may try the vietnamese groceries, usually they sell the angku mold.
ReplyDeletewarna ijonya bagus banget, mau dong nyicipin.. ditunggu ya Aisha kirimannya
ReplyDeleteWow, green angku! I love angku kuih too. So, how you find the taste of this angku? How's the skin texture like?
ReplyDeleteSha... angku nama indonya apaan?
ReplyDeleteSalam, waduh makin hari makin rajin masak yah?klo aku nih lagi maleeees bgt berkreasi masak, jagoannya masak curry aja nih hehehe....... btw, pa kabar?main2 donk ke tempat isa, jgn lupa bawa kwetiau goreng yah tante aisha? :P
ReplyDeletewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mauuuuuuuu aishaaaaa bikin orang kepengen aja, nyomot 3 yak xixixiixixii
ReplyDeleteone of the recipe on my must try list!! already got all ingredients at home... only lack of action. hehe... i think i got some motivation after reading you post.
ReplyDeleteWooow..it looks yummy! Penasaran, ini kue dari mana ya??
ReplyDeleteKalo di Indonesia kali ini mirip-mirip sama Kue Ku, ya Isha?, warnanya biasanya ijo, merah ngejreng gitu. Rajin banget deh Isha ini.
ReplyDeleteIya nih, Isha rajin deh..angku-nya minta dicomot tuh..comot atu ahh...:-)
ReplyDeleteboleh kak jun hehehe...
sini dunk pinjami gw kekeke...:P
thanks for ur idea :) i'll try to find out.
boleh mbak nung, tungguin ya kirimannya hehehe...
the tasted n the texture not too bad lah, nearly the same tasted hahaha...
aku juga gag gitu ngerti sef, setauku yam angku ini kalo diindo sama kyk kue ku, gag jauh beda lah :)
kabar baik, hahaha...ntar kalo kesana kita bawain kwetiaunya ya isa hehehe...
yah loe telat, dah abis neh hehehe...ayoo ah bikin aja gampang kok :P
c'mon give it a try
di indo juga ada mbak shinta, cuma namanya aja yg beda, kalo diindo namanya kue ku hehehe...
bener bgt mbak, sama kok ama kue ku, namanya aja yg beda hehehe...
andrie anne:
comot aja mbak hehehe...
wah klo kayak ku..nyomot 1 ah...enakkkkk
ReplyDeletenggak nolak dikasih kueh angku...mau banget.
ReplyDeletecomot aja hehehe...
mau berapa biji wit hehehe...
Adek bayi didalem perut pasti sehat banget ya... Bundanya pinter banget bikin makanan yang enak dan bergizi...!
ReplyDeletemakasih :)
ReplyDeleteaish? masih cuti2 gitu? lom ade mood update blog ya? heeee
ReplyDeletetengah bz nie kak jun, x sempat nak posting ler hehehe...
ReplyDeleteIsga, bagi dong yam angku-nya... Di sini byk yg jual tp chinese jd ga pernah bli krn ragu kehalalannya.
ReplyDeleteboleh mbak nia, mau berapa hehehe...