Peanut Sauce
1/4 cup peanut butter
2 teaspoon soy sauce
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon or lime juice
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup water
4-5 red chili
3 cloves crushed garlic
5 shallots, crushed.
Combine all ingredients with a whisk in a small bowl, adding the water in last. Pour into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat until sauce begins to bubble and thicken springkle with lemon juice. Serve hot or cold.
For Bakwan/ Vegy Fitter Recipe See Here:
Bakwan sayur/vegy fritter recipe
Bakwan Sayur is one of my favourite snack. My Indon maid very pandai to do this and its nice to go with chilli sauce too.
ReplyDeleteYummy, this looks delicious too!
ReplyDeleteCan share ah?
wah iki pecel bakwan neh namanya....kesukaan jg Ish... apalgi ada kyupuknya... hmmm... mau tukeran ga ma ciken biryaniku huhuhu.... ** lari ahh sambil ngumpetin piring biryani hahaha
ReplyDeleteIsha, I pun buat corn fritters semalam tapi belum post kat blog lagi :) Kita sama sama buat fritters tapi I tak buat sauce. Your fritters looks really good.
ReplyDeletewah enak tuh Is...bakwan ama saus kacang, jadi laper nih
ReplyDeletebaru aja kamern sore bikin meu yang sama, cuma gak pake saus kacang senikmat ini....jadi kepingin bikin lagi nih
ReplyDeletesue sue, yup its nice with chilli sauce too sue.
ReplyDeletelittle corner of mine, thanks. sure help ur self ^_^
a.g, jangan lari yind, sini tukaran hahaha...dah abis denk :D
i cook4fun, corn fritters sedap juga tuh. eat with chilli sauce.
nunung, ayo mbak nung makan bareng hehehe...
ina, emang enak mbak. yuk bikin lagi hehehe...
enakkkkk tambahin mie dunk bumil :D "nawar"
ReplyDeletelia, gurun
Isha, wow I love bakwan, looks so delicious....
ReplyDeleteMy kids love vegtable fritters and I can't wait to try your peanut sauce with it! :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks sooo good! I love peanut sauce. Plus a fried snack with peanut sauce! I'm in heaven! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHello Isha,
ReplyDeleteJust found ur blog. It is indeed a great looking one. All the best to u.
mana tahannnnnnnn..sayang lg nggak makan kacang sampai nti Josh nggak minum ASI lagi....duhh pengen nyomot banget rasanya
ReplyDeleteIsha, mo juga dunk bakwannya..belum pernah nih nyoba pake sambel kacang, biasanya pake cabe rawit doang.
ReplyDeleteIsha mau dong bakwannya..baru tau nih bisa di cocol dengan sambel kacang...
ReplyDeleteEh sammmaaa, aku juga suka makan bakwan dicocol saus kacang..enyaakkk..pa kabar say?
ReplyDeletelia: mienya bikin dulu kali yee hehehe...
ReplyDeleteeverything4sweets: thanks, i luv it too ^_^
emwk: i luv it too, its nice to go with peanut sauce or chilli sauce.
wok&spoon: hey u're back wok&spoon, indeed its very yummy.
pushpa: thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for ur compliment, i really appreciate it.
resto mariena: tahan dulu mbak hehehe...
retno: ayo mbak cobain, enak loh hehehe...*promosi*
fitta: ayo sini fit, hehehe...
andrie anne: emang enak mbak. kabarku baik mbak, makasih.
lama nih saya gak main ke mari, apa kabar mba ? :X
ReplyDeleteDuh...blm pernah nyoba tuh aku...bakwan dgn saos kacang! Pasti enak ya? Di Medan org makan muhun pake saos kacang juga...tadinya kurasa lucu, tp lama2 kok enak juga.
ReplyDeletePlg enak makan bakwan panas2 sm cabe rawit :)
ReplyDeleteDaw miao itu daun yg kecil2 Isha. Org chinese sini suka gunain klo bikin sup atau tumisan/oseng2.
I love peanut sauce, esp. spicy peanut sauce. Yum yum!
ReplyDeleteYa ampyun .. pagi2 udah nyiksa orang dg nampilin bakwan ...*ngences ces ces ces*
wahhh..bakwan sayur plak...aish, ari tu akak wat bakwan jagung..sedap. yg ni sure best gak..nnti leh try yg ni plak....
ReplyDeletekabar baik rosa, gimana juga kabarnya rosa? mudah2an baik juga ya :) makasih udah mampir.
elvi: wah ini bakwan kalo dcampur mie/bihun disiram kuah kacang enaknya gag nanggung deh, sedaappp. duh jadi ngilerrr sendiri nih hehehe...
nia: sama kyk daun kucai kali ya mbak nia. makasih infonya.
tigerfish: me too ^_^
nug: ayamnya mbak nug juga bikin ngences nih hehehe...
jun: bakwan jagung juga sedap kak jun, cobalah.
bakwan sayuuur sedaaap.mau ih.Mbak mau tah ketan hitam??kl mau nti tak kirim addressnya aja yaa
ReplyDeleteIsha I love all ingredients used in this dish.certainly i would like
ReplyDeleteI love me some peanut sauce, Isha! Beautiful and tasty!
ReplyDeletebagiiii napaaaa
ReplyDeletepagi Isha..masak apa hari ini?met wiken ya
ReplyDeletenien: mau mbak nien bakwannya? hehehe...ayo sini ntar tak buatin :)
ReplyDeletesylvia & jenndz: thanks ladies!
pepy: sini napaaaa :D
Fitta: met wiken juga mbak fitta
Hi there I love your blog :) Nice recipes Feel free to visit my blog too :) Click Here For Food Recipes
ReplyDeletethanks for droppin' by jeena.
ReplyDeleteIsha... ada award menanti dirimu ;)
ReplyDeleteoh nikmatnya. trimakasih atas sumber informasinya